Introduction to Simulation Modeling
for within-host infections
Science needs data
Experimental studies
- The approach used in almost all bench/lab sciences.
- Clinical trials in Public Health and Medicine.
- Potentially most powerful because we have most control.
- Not always possible.
Observational studies
- Widely used in Public Health and other areas (e.g. Medicine, Sociology, Geology).
- Not as powerful as experimental studies.
- Often the only option.
Jim Borgman
Simulation/modeling studies
- Computer models can represent a real system.
- Simulated data is not as good as real data.
- Often the only option.
Modeling definition
- The term modeling usually means (in science) the description and analysis of a system using mathematical or computational models.
- Many different types of modeling approaches exist. Simulation models are one type (with many subtypes).
A way to classify models
- Phenomenological/non-mechanistic/heuristic/(statistical) models
- Look at patterns in data
- Do not describe mechanisms leading to the data
- Mechanistic/process/simulation models
- Try to represent simplified versions of mechanisms
- Can be used with and without data
Phenomenological models
- You might be familiar with statistical models (that includes Machine Learning, AI, Deep Learning,…).
- Most of those models are phenomenological/non-mechanistic (and static).
- Those models are used extensively in all areas of science.
- The main goal of these models is to understand data/patterns and make predictions.
Non-mechanistic model example
Wu et al 2019 Nature Communications.
Non-mechanistic models - Advantages
- Finding correlations/patterns is (relatively) simple.
- Some models are very good at predicting (e.g. Netflix, Google Translate).
- Sometimes we can go from correlation to causation.
- We don’t need to understand all the underlying mechanisms to get actionable insights.
Non-mechanistic models - Disadvantages
- The jump from correlation to causation is always tricky (bias/confounding/systematic errors).
- Even if we can assume a causal relation, we do not gain a lot of mechanistic insights or deep understanding of the system.
Mechanistic models
- We formulate explicit mechanisms/processes driving the system dynamics.
- This is done using mathematical equations (often ordinary differential equations), or computer rules.
- Also called systems/dynamic(al)/ (micro)simulation/process/ mathematical/ODE/… models.
Mechanistic model example
\dot V & = rV-kVT^*\\
\dot P & = fV - dP \\
\dot T & = -aPT \\
\dot T^* & = aPT + gT^*
Mechanistic models - Advantages
- We get a potentially deeper, mechanistic understanding of the system.
- We know exactly how each component affects the others in our model.
Mechanistic models - Disadvantages
- We need to know (or assume) something about the mechanisms driving our system to build a mechanistic model.
- If our assumptions/model are wrong, the “insights” we gain from the model are spurious.
Non-mechanistic vs Mechanistic models
- Non-mechanistic models (e.g. regression models, machine learning) are useful to see if we can find patterns in our data and possibly predict, without necessarily trying to understand the mechanisms.
- Mechanistic models are useful if we want to study the mechanism(s) by which observed patterns arise.
Ideally, you want to have both in your ‘toolbox’.
Simulation models
- We will focus on mechanistic simulation models.
- The hallmark of such models is that they explicitly (generally in a simplified manner) model processes occuring in a system.
Simulation modeling uses
- Weather forecasting.
- Simulations of a power plant or other man-made system.
- Predicting the economy.
- Infectious disease transmission.
- Immune response modeling.
- …
Real-world examples
Using a TB model to explore/predict cytokine-based interventions (Wigginton and Kirschner, 2001 J Imm).
Real-world examples
Targeted antiviral prophylaxis against an influenza pandemic (Germann et al 2006 PNAS).
Within-host and between-host modeling
Spread inside a host (virology, microbiology, immunology) |
Spread on the population level (ecology, epidemiology) |
Populations of pathogens & immune response components |
Populations of hosts (humans, animals) |
Acute/Persistent (e.g. Flu/TB) |
Epidemic/Endemic (e.g. Flu/TB) |
Usually (but not always) explicit modeling of pathogen |
Often, but not always, no explicit modeling of pathogen |
The same types of simulation models are often used on both scales.
Population level modeling history
- 1766 - Bernoulli “An attempt at a new analysis of the mortality caused by smallpox and of the advantages of inoculation to prevent it” (see Bernoulli & Blower 2004 Rev Med Vir)
- 1911 – Ross “The Prevention of Malaria”
- 1920s – Lotka & Volterra “Predator-Prey Models”
- 1926/27 - McKendrick & Kermack “Epidemic/outbreak models”
- 1970s/80s – Anderson & May
- Lot’s of activity since then
- See also Bacaër 2011 “A Short History of Mathematical Population Dynamics”
Within-host modeling history
- The field of within-host modeling is somewhat recent, with early attempts in the 70s and 80s and a strong increase since then.
- HIV garnered a lot of attention starting in the late 80s, some influential work happened in the early 90s.
- Overall, within-host models are still less advanced compared to between-host modeling, but it’s rapidly growing.
A simple simulation model
- We’ll start with a very simple model, a population of entities (pathogens/immune cells/humans/animals) that grow or die.
- We’ll implement the model as a discrete time equation, given by:
P_{t+dt} = P_t + dt ( g P_t - d_P P_t )
- \(P_t\) are the number of pathogens in the population at current time \(t\), \(dt\) is some time step and \(P_{t+dt}\) is the number of pathogens in the future after that time step has been taken.
- The processes/mechanisms modeled are growth at rate \(g\) and death at rate \(d_P\).
A simple simulation model
- If we started with 100 individuals (pathogens) at time t=0, had a growth rate of 12 and death rate of 2 (per some time unit, e.g. days or weeks or years), and took time steps of \(dt=1\), how many individual would we have after 1,2,3… time units?
- Why do we multiply by the time step, dt?
P_{t+dt} = P_t + dt ( g P_t - d_P P_t )
A simple simulation model - variant 1
P_{t+dt} = P_t + dt ( g P_t - d_P P_t )
\] Alternative:
P_{t+dt} = P_t + dt ( g - d_P P_t )
\] What’s the difference? Is this a good model?
A simple simulation model - variant 2
P_{t+dt} = P_t + dt ( g P_t - d_P P_t )
\] Alternative:
P_{t+dt} = P_t + dt ( g P_t - d_P)
What’s the difference? Is this a good model?
Discrete time models
P_{t+dt} = P_t + dt ( g P_t - d_P P_t )
- The model above is updated in discrete time steps (to be chosen by the modeler).
- Good for systems where there is a “natural”” time step. E.g. some animals always give birth in spring or some bacteria divide at specific times.
- Used in complex individual based models for computational reasons.
- For compartmental models where we track the total populations (instead of individuals), continuous-time models are more common. They are usually formulated as ordinary differential equations (ODE).
- If the time-step becomes small, a discrete-time model approaches a continuous-time model.
Continuous time models
P_{t+dt} = P_t + dt ( g P_t - d_P P_t )
\] Re-write:
\frac{P_{t+dt} - P_t}{dt} = g P_t - d_P P_t
Continuous: \[
\frac{dP}{dt} = gP - d_P P
- If we simulate a continuous time model, the computer uses a smart discrete time-step approximation.
Some notation
The following are 3 equivalent ways of writing the differential equation:
\frac{dP(t)}{dt} &= gP(t) - d_P P(t) \\
\frac{dP}{dt} &= gP - d_P P \\
\dot{P} &= gP - d_P P \\
\] We will use the ‘dot notation’.
Some terminology
\dot{P} = gP - d_P P
- The left side is the instantaneous change in time of the indicated variable.
- Each term on the right side represents a (often simplified/abstracted) biological process/mechanism.
- Any positive term on the right side is an inflow and leads to an increase of the indicated variable.
- Any negative term on the right side is an outflow and leads to a decrease of the indicated variable.
Extending the model
\dot{P} = gP - d_P P
For different values of the parameters g and \(d_P\), what broad types of dynamics/outcomes can we get from this model?
Extending the model
\dot{P} = gP - d_P P
How can we extend the model to get growth that levels off as we reach some high level of P?
Model with saturating growth
\dot{P} = gP(1-\frac{P}{P_{max}}) - d_P P
- We changed the birth process from exponential/unlimited growth to saturating growth. \(P_{max}\) is the level of \(P\) at which the growth term is zero.
- If \(P > P_{max}\), the growth term is negative.
- The population settles down at a level where the growth balances the decay, i.e. when \(gP(1-\frac{P}{P_{max}}) = d_P P\).
Adding a second variable
- A single variable model is ‘boring’.
- The interesting stuff happens if we have multiple compartments/variables that interact.
- Let’s introduce a second variable.
- Let’s assume that P is a population of some bacteria (but could also be some animal), which gets attacked and consumed by some predator, e.g. the immune system or another animal. We’ll pick the letter H for the predator (any label is fine).
Adding a second variable
\dot{P} & = gP(1-\frac{P}{P_{max}}) - d_P P \ \pm \ ?\\
\dot{H} & = ?
- The predator attacks/eats the prey. What process could we add to the P-equation to describe this?
Adding a second variable
\dot{P} & = gP(1-\frac{P}{P_{max}}) - d_P P - kPH\\
\dot{H} & = ?
- The more P there is, the more the predator will grow, e.g. by eating P or by receiving growth signals.
- What term could we write down for the growth dynamics of H?
- Finally, H individuals have some life-span after which they die. How can we model this?
Predator-prey model
The model we just built is a version of the well-studied predator-prey model from ecology. \[
\dot{P} & = g_P P(1-\frac{P}{P_{max}}) - d_P P - kPH\\
\dot{H} & = g_H P H - d_H H
The discrete-time version of the model is: \[
P_{t+dt} & = P_t + dt(g_P P_t(1-\frac{P_t}{P_{max}}) - d_P P_t - kP_tH_t)\\
H_{t+dt} & = H_t + dt( g_H P_t H_t - d_H H_t)
Bacteria and immune response model
The names of the variables and parameters are arbitrary. If we think of bacteria and the immune response, we might name them B and I instead.
\dot{B} & = g B(1-\frac{B}{B_{max}}) - d_B B - kBI\\
\dot{I} & = r BI - d_I I
\] \[
B_{t+dt} & = B_t + dt(g B_t(1-\frac{B_t}{B_{max}}) - d_B B_t - k B_t I_t)\\
I_{t+dt} & = I_t + dt( r B_t I_t - d_I I_t)
Graphical model representation
- It is important to go back and forth between words, diagrams, equations.
- Diagrams specify a model somewhat, but not completely. The diagram below could be implemented as ODEs or discrete time or stochastic models.
Model exploration
- We could analyze the model behavior with ‘pencil and paper’ (or some software, e.g. Mathematica/Maxima). This only works for simple models.
- We could analyze the model behavior by simulating it.
- To simulate, we need to implement the model on a computer, specify starting (initial) conditions for all variables and values for all model parameters.