2020-07-21 14:05:34
\[ \begin{aligned} \dot V &= - d_V V - k_A AV \\ \dot F &= p_F - d_F F + \frac{V}{V+ h_V}g_F(F_{max}-F) \\ \dot B & = \frac{F V}{F V + h_F} g_B B \\ \dot A & = r_A B - d_A A - k_A A V \end{aligned} \] (This is a simpler version of the virus and immune response DSAIRM model.)
Run model for different antigen doses (\(V_0\)).
Virus fitness as function of virion binding ( \(k_+\) ) and release ( \(k_-\) ) rates. Handel et al (2014) Proc Royal Soc Interface.
Assume we think this model is a good approximation for a real system we are interested in. We want to predict the peak burden of bacteria if we were able to increase the induction of the immune response (parameter \(r\)), e.g. by giving a drug.
\[ \begin{aligned} \dot{B} & = g B(1-\frac{B}{B_{max}}) - d_B B - kBI\\ \dot{I} & = r BI - d_I I \end{aligned} \]
We’ll follow the same approach as for model exploration, the difference is that now we interpret the results as actual predictions instead of suggested findings that need to be further explored.
Prediction of TB infection outcomes for depletion of certain cytokines. Wigginton and Kirschner (2001) J Immunology.
All models makes simplifying assumptions. Thus, predictions are only reliable if the underlying model is a good approximation of the real system.
The process of going from models to data happens in all of science, often without the explicit use of mathematical models:
Investigate the mechanism of drug action of neuraminidase inhibitors against influenza.
The Question: What is the mechanism of action of neuraminidase inhibitors, is it reducing virus production of infected cells or infection of uninfected cells?
The approach: build models for each mechanism/hypothesis, fit to data and evaluate.
Neuraminidase reduces infection rate of uninfected cells.
\[ \begin{aligned} \dot{U} & = - b{\bf(1-f)}UV \\ \dot{I} & = b{\bf(1-f)}UV - d_I I \\ \dot{V} & = pI - d_V V - gb{\bf(1-f)} UV \\ \end{aligned} \]
Neuraminidase reduces rate of virus production by infected cells.
\[ \begin{aligned} \dot{U} & = - bUV \\ \dot{I} & = bUV - d_I I \\ \dot{V} & = p{\bf (1-e)}I - d_V V - gb UV \\ \end{aligned} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} \dot{U} & = - bUV \\ \dot{I} & = bUV - d_I I \\ \dot{V} & = p{\bf (1-e)}I - d_V V - gb UV \\ \end{aligned} \]
With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.
John von Neumann