2020-07-20 19:44:43

Uncertainty in model results

  • Model results have different sources of uncertainty attached to them.
  • Not all types of uncertainty are always explicitly acknowledged.
  • That’s true not only for mathematical/computer models.

Structural Uncertainty

  • Models are simplifications and abstractions of the real world.
  • Specific assumptions lead to different models.
  • Every model is ‘wrong’ in some sense, but some might be useful.
  • We need to decide which variables and processes to include and which to exclude.

Structural Uncertainty

  • Include certain variables/components not?
  • How to formulate mechanisms/processes?
  • What type of model? (ODE, IBM, etc.)

Example variants of specific processes

Exponential or Linear growth? Mass-action or saturating killing?

\[ \begin{aligned} \dot{B} & = g B - d_B B - kBI\\ \dot{I} & = r BI - d_I I \\ \\ \dot{B} & = g - d_B B - k\frac{B}{B+s}I\\ \dot{I} & = r BI - d_I I \\ \end{aligned} \]

Structural Uncertainty Example

Dobrovolny et al. (2013 PLoS One) compared different influenza models and assessed how they matched experimental data.

Top: models, bottom: data

Top: models, bottom: data

Structural Uncertainty - Summary

Structural Uncertainty - Practice

  • The Model variant exploration app in DSAIRM explores the impact of different model formulations.

Parameter Uncertainty

Parameter Uncertainty

  • Assume we chose a certain structure for our model and built it (e.g. a certain set of ordinary differential equations).
  • To explore the model or make predictions, we need to supply it with values for the model parameters (and starting conditions).
  • Often, we do not know the values for the model parameters very well.

\[ \begin{aligned} \dot{B} & = g B - d_B B - kBI\\ \dot{I} & = r BI - d_I I \\ \end{aligned} \]

Exploring the impact of model parameters

  • Sometimes we can obtain estimates for parameter values from fitting to data, but the right data is often not available.
  • Instead of running our model for just one set of parameter values, we could run it using different values that are within reasonable ranges.
  • If we have a small model, we could systematically explore model behavior for each parameter.

Exploring the impact of model parameters

  • Once models get big, it would take too long to thoroughly scan over all parameters.
  • Often we can get reasonable ranges from the literature, but not exact values.
  • Sometimes, we might be mainly interested in how results change as we vary one parameter, but we also want to know how uncertainty in other parameters affect our outcome.
  • Other times, we might want to use our model to make predictions. We need to figure out how uncertainty in parameters affects our predictions.

Uncertainty & Sensitivity Analysis

Varying multiple inputs/parameters over a usually broad range is called a (global) uncertainty & sensitivity analysis.

  • Uncertainty Analysis: Given uncertainty in the inputs (parameters), how much uncertainty is there in the outputs/results?
  • Sensitivity Analysis: How much do individual inputs contribute to the uncertainty in outputs/results?

Doing Uncertainty & Sensitivity Analysis

  • Determine ranges of uncertainty for each input (parameter and initial conditions).
  • Repeatedly draw samples of parameter values from the specified distributions.
  • Run model for each parameter sample, record outcomes.

Parameter ranges

For each parameter, specify its distribution:

  • Single value if we are very certain.
  • Uniform distribution between some min and max values if we know very little.
  • A ‘peaked’ distribution (e.g. gamma, log-normal) if we are fairly certain about some parameters.
Hoare et al 2008 TBMM

Hoare et al 2008 TBMM

Parameter sampling

  • Exhaustively trying all parameter value combinations takes too long.
  • Randomly sampling is not efficient, it might leave areas of parameter space unexplored.
  • A method called Latin Hypercube Sampling creates samples that efficiently span the parameter space.
Hoare et al 2008 TBMM

Hoare et al 2008 TBMM

Uncertainty Analysis

  • Sample over parameters, record outcomes for each sample.
  • Show the uncertainty in outcomes due to uncertainty in parameters with e.g. a boxplot

Example of a boxplot for some U/S analysis. For different intervention strategies (along the x-axis), samples are run and some outcome is recorded.

Sensitivity Analysis

  • Uncertainty analysis tells us how uncertainty in inputs affects uncertainty in outputs.
  • If we want to know in more detail how a specific input affects a specific output, we can move on to sensitivity analysis.
  • Using the same simulation results, we now plot scatterplots for income/outcome pairs of interest instead of boxplots.
Handel et al (2009), Epidemics

Handel et al (2009), Epidemics

Sensitivity Analysis

  • If the scatterplot shows a monotone relation, we can summarize it with a single number, a correlation coefficient
  • Correlation Coefficients (CC) indicate how correlated a given output is with a given input.
  • CC are between -1 and 1. Large CC means strong (negative) correlation, CC ≈ 0 means no correlation.
  • Input-output relations are often nonlinear, therefore computing the linear correlation is often not the best measure.
  • Using a Rank CC is usually more suitable.
  • Partial Rank Correlation Coefficients (PRCC) are even better if multiple inputs/parameters are changed at the same time.

U/S Analysis - Summary

  • Uncertainty in parameters can be fairly easily quantified.
  • By sampling over parameters, one can obtain confidence intervals or similar measures of uncertainty.
  • This does not account for structural or inherent uncertainty!

Parameter uncertainty - Practice

  • The U/S analysis app explores the concept in more detail.

Inherent/Stochastic Uncertainty


  • Deterministic models (both continuous and discrete-time) give you the same result for a set of parameters and starting conditions no matter how often you run them.
  • Real systems are stochastic/random, which means they have some inherent variability.
  • The words Stochasticity, Randomness, Noise, Variability are often used interchangably.

Sources of Stochasticity

  • Random (external) noise (e.g. measurement error).
  • Fluctuations in parameters (e.g. due to temperature or circadian rythms).
  • Unpredictability of event occurence (e.g. births, deaths).

When is stochasticity important

  • For small numbers.
  • When we want to answer questions such as “What is the probability that X will happen?”

Stochastic compartmental models

We can fairly easily formulate any compartmental model (e.g. and ODE model) as a stochastic model.

  • All variables take on discrete values (0,1,2,…).
  • Increases or decreases are dicated by inflows and outflows.
  • At each time step, one of the possible inflows/outflows occurs, with probability based on the size of the term.

Some terminology

  • The events that happen are often called reactions or transitions.
  • The inflow and outflow terms are called propensities, multiplied by the time step they are probabilities.


\[ \begin{aligned} \textrm{Uninfected Cells} \qquad \dot{U} & = n -d_U U - bUV \\ \textrm{Infected Cells} \qquad \dot{I} & = bUV - d_I I \\ \textrm{Virus} \qquad \dot{V} & = pI - d_V V - b UV \end{aligned} \]

Event type Transitions Propensity
Production of U U => U+1 n
death/removal of U U => U-1 \(d_U\)U
infection U => U-1, V => V-1, I => I+1 bUV
death if I I => I-1 \(d_I\)I
production of V V => V+1 pI
removal of V V => V-1 \(d_V\)V


  • Stochastic models are not much harder to implement, but they require more computational time since we need to run ensembles.
  • One can fit stochastic models to data, but that’s tricky and takes a long time.
  • The adaptivetau package in R makes implementing stochastic models easy.
  • The pomp package in R is a good tool for fitting stochastic models.

Stochastic uncertainty - Practice

  • The apps in the Stochastic models section of DSAIDE provide more details.
  • The Stochastic Model and Influenza antivirals and resistance apps in DSAIRM illustrate stochastic models.


  • Uncertainty in modeling results can come from different sources.
  • Structural uncertainty is arguably the most important but rarely explored. (Similar problems exist outside of modeling, e.g. how good a model are mice or elite undergrad students for the general population?)
  • Parameter uncertainty is increasingly included in modeling projects and should be explored if a model is used for prediction.
  • Stochastic models are also becoming more common but are still somewhat harder to work with.