Note: I have recently added more new links to the resources page
of my Modern
Applied Data Analysis online course. You might want to check there
(under Resources
) for additional links to R and Data
Analysis related links.
Awesome data science - Someone else’s list of resources related to data science.
Machine learning book list - A list of free online books concerning all things machine learning and data analysis.
Stat 545 at UBC - Data wrangling, exploration, and analysis with R
Check out online providers such as Coursera, edX, Udacity, etc. for more such courses
Hadley taught a [Readings in applied data science] at Stanford and the material is online
A very well done set of online materials teaching some basic stats concepts.
Data Science in Education - all R, nice walk-through case-studies of different datasets and topics one might encounter in education.
Stat 545 - Jenny Bryan’s book based on her previous teaching of a course by that name (see above)
The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality - focus on causal inference.
Check out the R packages tidyr, plyr, dplyr, validate, vtreat (you can find good documentation for all of them)
A nice series of blog posts describing common data manipulations for dplyr
Check out R packages mi, mice, Amelia, missforest, imputation
Little & Rubin “Statistical Analysis with Missing Data, 2nd Edition”
tableone - A package that allows for convenient creation of a descriptive table based on a data frame.
compareGroups - A package that allows for convenient creation of result tables from linear and logistic (and related) models.
The R survival package - Lots of functionality for survival analysis.
The R survival package - Lots of functionality for survival analysis.