General Lists
The following lists contain mostly links and some of my own thoughts on specific topics.
Career Topics: (Academic/research) career related resources.
Data Sources: Where to find potentially interesting data.
Data Analysis and Stats: Data analysis and statistics related tasks, with a focus on R.
R Coding Topics: Resources for learning R in general and with learning specific R topics.
Reproducible Research, Workflow management: Reproducible research (with a focus on the data analysis aspect) and links to tools (RMarkdown).
Teaching - various links to teaching-related topics and tools.
Cheat Sheets
The following documents contain collections of R code snippets and pointers for things I need to do fairly often, but not often enough that I can remember.
Data Cleaning: A list of commands for doing data cleaning/wrangling tasks.
Plotting: A list of commands for plotting in R (both base plot and ggplot).
Text Manipulation: A list of commands for working with text.