
Get the quiz sheet for this module from the general Assessments page. Fill it in, then submit to the online grading system before the deadline.


There is no exercise this week. Focus on part 2 of the project.


Finish (and make sure to push) part 2 of the project. There is no need to submit a link. Unless you renamed your repository, I know where to find it based on your part 1 submission.


Find some paper online that does a data analysis. Explain what types of analyses the authors did (based on the categories described in this module). Also discuss what the (stated or not stated) objective of the paper/study was, if the authors used the right analysis, and if they interpreted/presented their results properly. If you think they didn’t do their analysis right or present their results correctly, make suggestions for what they should have done.

You don’t need to go into modeling details, a big picture description is enough. For instance if the authors clearly did a secondary analysis collected for a different purpose, but present their findings as if they showed causal relations, point out this mis-representation (there’s no shortage of studies like that).

Post your findings and commentary by Wednesday. Then read through and comment on some of the studies your classmates posted.