
After you finished version 1.0 of your project (part 4), each of you will review several projects, similar to peer-review of a manuscript submitted for publication. The goals for this project review are:

  • You get feedback that helps you improve your project.
  • You get experience with giving and receiving reviewer feedback, like you would when you submit a paper for publication or review someone’s submitted paper.


  • By the part 4 due date specified in the Schedule document, everyone needs to have finished their project and posted either the project file or a link to the file on Slack. If your project consists of multiple files, I recommend either posting a zip file to Slack or a link to some online location where the files can be downloaded.
  • The last week of the class (after thanksgiving) is devoted to peer review of class projects. Check the Slack Class Project channel for information on the projects you are assigned to review. Obtain those projects (you are of course welcome to look at other projects too).
  • Review the whole project using the review template. You can get and use the template either as an RMarkdown document or a Word document. Write a detailed review using and filling the review template. Provide your review to the project team and myself (either through Slack or email).

Review Assessment Rubric

Ok, now it gets maybe a bit complicated. I will review and assess the quality of your reviews. To that end, I’ll use a fairly simple rubric, similar to the ones for the previous project submissions.

Category Description Score
Absent No reviews were submitted 0
Insufficient Only one review was submitted, or submissions were very incomplete 50
Not fully sufficient Reviews are somewhat incomplete, lack useful/detailed feedback 75
Sufficient Reviews are complete or fairly complete 100

Finals steps

  • Use the feedback/reviews you get to further improve your projects.
  • submit your finial project by the due data for final grading.
  • I will assess your final project using the same categories as shown in the template used for peer review.